Out of Sight, Out of Mindfulness
Hold the container, don’t become the container”. Good parting advice from Cori Rosenthal, LMFT at our first gathering of the year. Cori taught us a fun game of Zoom Catch with our own original sound effects to start off; this connected us to each other and focused our attention on the present moment. We continued by examining our potential to change perspective- by observing what is happening physically and emotionally, checking for engagement in cognitive distortions, and managing external stimulation that can impact resistance. Here the focus was on media and of course- our phones. We explored grounding, self-compassion, and actions of self-care, i.e. how to take a self-compassion break (with mindfulness, common humanity, and self-kindness). Finally mindfulness was distinguished from meditation. May we mindfully engage in 2024 with compassion for ourselves- and for all beings.
A video of the full talk is here