Medical March
Dr Wood, who works at CFD and in her own practice just outside of SD, was originally based in the LA area and served for some time with The Academy of Pediatrics. She knows the value of a medical professional who understands ED’s as well as those who are still learning. From her own experience, she guided us through the dangers of organ stress from starvation. We covered liver enzymes, laxative abuse, pelvic floor dysfunction, hypokalemia, and the risk of kidney stones from dehydration; beeturea, muscle atrophy, and various lab abnormalities. We learned about growth limitations following the closing of growth plates with age. We gained expertise to deal with doctors who are not well informed as well as unhelpful messages from colleagues in health care. She covered the education of patients and families, myths that allow ED’s to be missed, specifics of brain changes, and other body parts- skin, liver, and GI system; nervous system responses explaining appetite loss, effects on heart muscle, Marfan’s Syndrome, and Citrin deficiency. We examined the frequent delay of an ED diagnosis and what can be done to set up a patient for a visit to the ER. Dr Wood encouraged us to teach patients to be upfront with their MD about their dg and to educate other health professionals whenever possible. This thorough medical review was very much appreciated.
A video of the full talk is here