The Bully on the Block: Understanding Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Its Implications for the Eating Disorder Population

“For clients with a chronic illness….the greatest gift is to recognize …that there may be more than meets the eye….it can be a life-changing.

It is with this intention- to validate the patient experience- that Amy Chalker, RDN has researched and taught us this week about MCAS.

We are in the early stages of understanding MCAS, which may effect 25% ED people. This is an amorphous and complex chronic illness involving histamine activity with symptoms occurring across multiple organ systems. Starvation is a huge trigger for it and IT may be a cause of ED’s- especially ARFID and AN.

Criteria for diagnosis has evolved and Amy provided a list of dietary considerations in her presentation eg. a Low Histamine diet is NOT recommended. There are various medical treatments, including the supplement, Quercetin. Resources below include a dedicated list-serve.

*And just like w/ ED's in general, EDUCATE YOUR DOCTORS.

The accompanying video including her slides is here.



Out of Sight, Out of Mindfulness


Dissociation and Eating Disorders