Weight Stigma Numbers, Social Media, and Countertransference. All the things.
We are all humans. This is Ashley Vicari, LPCC-S’S basic message in working with body image. Ashley, cohost of the “All Bodies. All Foods.” podcast also gives us, “Any body is a good body.”
VFED’s Table Talk this month focused on social media, exposure to numbers, and our own countertransference as factors in body image work with our clients. Ashley’s lived experience informed a moving discussion of weight stigma, its intersectionality with racism, resulting suicide risk, and bias in medical care. Working with window of tolerance was emphasized
We were reminded of the value of an Implicit Association Test (IAT) and power of countertransference and self-disclosure in the room.
Thank you to all who attended- it was a wonderful reunion of VFED veterans and new friends.
here is the video link