Using Sociometry to Address Alexithymia in Eating Disorders

TT Robyn Caruso

VFED welcomed Robyn Caruso, LMFT, CEDS-S this week- to teach us about sociometry.  Sociometry works with relationships- quantifying who is connected to whom and the strength of those connections.  It looks at unprocessed experiences at the sensory-motor level of functioning where the body’s automatic responses are targeted.

Robyn shared her psychodrama training tools and gave many examples from her practice. After warming us up with a meditation (“some people just need more warm up”), she then took us through some sociometric techniques in the room. We enjoyed the experiential and learned as much about ourselves as we did our work.

Thank you to all who attended. Slides are available by request


Weight Stigma Numbers, Social Media, and Countertransference. All the things.


The Transgender Client