We Made it to 2021! Resilience You Can Pass Along to Your Clients
The video of Cori's Talk is Here
Having a practice for your practice.
We might just be drawn to this field for selfish reasons. For we can justifiably tie our own self-care to our success as healers. Cori Rosenthal (who’s very presence is healing) joined us this week to help do just that.
We were somewhat overjoyed to reunite and share our personal hacks for maintaining sanity during Covid. And after Cori led us in a delightful “Feel Your Feet” meditation, we settled in to learn about “empathic resonance,” which we all have for evolutionarily adaptive reasons. Emotions are contagious, sending us in upward or downward spirals. But Distress and anxiety can come from resonating with others’ suffering. And we have limitations on our empathic distress. Too much leads to fatigue and you may find yourself pushing away emotional content.
We learned about the Mamalian Caregiving System- gentle vocalizations and soothing touch causing release of oxytocin, calming the amygdala and turning on our Parasympathetic Nervous System. And because of mirror neurons, this does trickle down to our clients
LovingKindness Meditations are easily found online and incorporating the teachings of Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer, we reviewed Mindfulness and Self-Compassion.
Chosen slides attached illustrate the basics. But do yourself a favor- explore our VFED website library of recorded Table Talks, starting with this one. Mindfulness teachers are THE BEST- Thank you, Cori.
Find her at https://www.corirosenthal.com.
Our needs are as important as our patients’ needs.
Invest in yourself. Do it for your practice.
And her handouts are Here