Patience With the Process: It's in the Relationship

This Table Talk happened on Monday, November 14, 2022

As a seasonal reminder, we dove deep into that essential element: “Relationship” with Amy Chalker,RD for our November meeting. Dietitians in this specialty need to get to know the person, not just their disease- by using a “Relational Psychotherapy” approach instead of just traditional nutrition counseling. And therapy for ED’s requires a depth beyond the evidence-based practices we learn.  We studied the psychoanalytic theory concepts of transference & countertransference, enactment, projection, intersubjectivity, and self-disclosure. Keeping in mind the early developmental stage of our client in this context, we practiced approaches that minimize their own self-attack as well as aligning with resistance to lower that. Ultimately it is cooperation vs compliance that we aim for- and that is what may require the most “Patience with the Process”.

Thank you to Amy and to all who attended.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

The Video is Here


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