HAES - Q & A Ask the Expert

And the Force was with us.

Listen to Aaron's talk here

Honestly, just seeing each other was fabulous. And we had Aaron- who supplied us with some cool historical perspective on Fat discrimination, and our current HAES principles that have arisen in response to all of it. People got right into the challenges we face trying to encourage an approach that is misunderstood and possibly disappointing at first. We all face our own biases. Aaron suggests keeping in mind the question of, “What does a healthy person do?” It was a very informative and inspirational hour supporting the social justice we fight for every day of our career.

Check out Aaron’s handout. Take the Implicit Bias Test in there. Share the Wired article. And listen to “Dietitians Unplugged”. 

Wired Article

Fat Underground Video

Aaron's handouts



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