Existential Gifts of Quarantine
The video link is HERE
It was SO good to be together again! Thank you, Zoom. And Thank you, Celisa Flores Psyd, who spoke to us this week about the Existential Gifts of Quarantine.
Celisa of course led us in a great meditation and spoke of the Risk of Codependency vs the Benefits of “Confident Empathy”
She quoted Gabor Mate, her favorite, about the effect of repressed emotions on Immune Function. Also Susan David PhD about False Positivity. (See attached photo for recommended reading.)
Celisa reviewed for us benefits of long term Meditation and Mindfulness- on Mood and impacts on the Brain. We are all now enjoying seeing patients interact with family pets and having some increased time for learning and training. There is a lovely slide of Grounding Yoga Postures in here to grab.
And details on CFD’s support group for us on Wednesdays.
We meet next on May 4th. And one day look forward to sharing muffins again.