Introduction to OCD Treatment, Looking Through Another Lens

Many of our clients struggle with OCD.  So last week, we learned how to treat it from Jackie Shapin, LMFT.

To nail down a diagnosis, Jackie shared the Y-BOCS (see attachment).

A certain level of Obsession is normal- we all have such thoughts- it’s the response to it that we work with. There are 2 types of Compulsions- External and Internal (note “mental activity” counts as an Internal Compulsion).

We talked a lot about Reassurance Seekers- this was very helpful. (See great attachment).  Also the importance of getting to a Core Fear- because OCD attacks the things we care about the most. We covered use of Downward Arrow Questions and “The Miracle Question”

Jackie emphasized the importance of Homework, use of SUDS, and the creation of a Hierarchy Obsessive Fear Hierarchy- Fear Monitoring Form (see attachment). The creative part that Jackie enjoys is design of an Exposure Hierarchy or Fear Ladder (see attachment)

As in much treatment, patients’ work ultimately comes down to sitting with distress, no distraction.

Shared references include the IOCDF and a book which sounded REALLY helpful- (see bottom of Outline of Talk attachment for these).

As always, this work, done within other treatment of an ED, and severely malnourished patients requires nutrient restoration for it to be effective.

Thank you to all who attended.



Jackie Shapin, LMFT

Jackie is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who began working with clients struggling with eating disorders at the Bella Vita, eating disorder treatment facilities, in 2011. While at the Bella Vita Jackie served as the Clinical Supervisor for the group of associate MFT’s. Prior to this position, she was the Interim Program Director at the Woodland Hills Facility and the Lead Program Therapist at the Los Angeles facility.

Throughout her career, Jackie has continued to expand her skillset and is trained in EMDR Therapy and recently began treating OCD.

Currently, Jackie is in private practice in Los Feliz. In addition to eating disorders, she treats individuals who struggle with depression,  anxiety, trauma, life transitions, communication difficulties, and OCD.



VFED's annual peer supervision


Eating Disorder Families: Don't Be Scared!