ADHD in Focus- 9/12 Table Talk

Neurodivergence- is it actually more common than neurotypical? Stacie Fanelli, LCSW says YES- she sees it as a “neurotype,” not a disorder. The world needs to make room for the “ADDers” as she refers to herself (-just like people in big bodies!). It is so much more than an inability to focus.

From a neurodivergent affirming lens, we speak of traits, not symptoms. The Predominantly Inattentive Type is less frequently diagnosed than the Hyperactive/impulsive type. But here is where we notice that cooking and eating require sustained attention and that impaired working memory interferes w/ following a recipe. And unfortunately, late diagnosis allows core beliefs of being broken or stupid to set in.

ADHD may underlie depression and anxiety and criticism for traits can even lead to CPTSD. Self-diagnosis, including from social media, is welcomed with curiosity- given limited access to healthcare.

Bulimia is the most frequent ED comorbidity, due to intensity of emotions, sensitivity to external experiences, and impulsivity. ARFID is fueled by the sensory aversions and an overlap w/ Autism’s sensory traits. AN gets a boost from perfectionistic compensation for criticism and perceived deficits. Dopamine and stimulation seeking contribute to BED. And object permanence & instant gratification may hinder motivation to recover.

Sensory profile is assessed w attention paid to stimulation seeking or avoiding. And Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)- sometimes perceived as oppositional behavior- is countered with an emphasis on autonomy. Make recovery about values, not compliance.

Stacie presented Ideas for Accommodations in Treatment, including adapting IE (low interoceptive awareness makes IE challenging), expanding the definition of normal eating, and troubleshooting cooking. The YouTube channel, “How to ADHD” offers ideas for stimulation outside of food. Medication may provide alternative stimulation and less need for an ED; and at the same time a potential need for more meal plan support.

Suggested resources below.

Follow Stacie’s Insta: edadhd_therapist.

Join VFED and watch the video of this presentation on our website.

This is the video

Thank you to Stacie and all who attended!


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